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Tuesday, July 1, 2014


As the sun heats up I find myself staying indoors as much as possible. 
Reasons why I go outside...
Target (need razors for this weather!) 
If there isn't any food in the fridge--obvi

Since I limit my time outdoors it is easy to get caught in my pajamas too often. I don't want to be a total slum this summer season so I am gravitating toward simple maxi dresses to throw on. I can still do house hold chores in these bad boys while still looking chic (win/win!) Also, I have strayed far away from that blow dryer---I like to call it the HEAT MONSTER. Why blow hot air on my already hot body?
 Uhm.. no thank you! 
Hence, the messy/half straight hair-do I have going on here. 

I keep my makeup minimal this season because it will probably melt off my face anyway. Pop on a bright lip to spring out of that summer slum. I went with the NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream to add to my minimal outfit. Whenever you are feeling in a slum and find that it is 3 p.m. and you haven't left your house or even changed out of your PJ's....throw on a maxi dress, bright lip, & mascara! 

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