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Monday, June 30, 2014


Bust out your red, white, & blue, get your spray tan, paints your nails red, and stop eating carbs because 4th of July is this Friday! 4th of July is spent eating too many hotdogs, drinking too many beers,  & taking time to remember our founding fathers.

I have gathered three different outfit ideas to fit your personality & your Fourth of July plans. Whether you'll be spending your holiday at a rooftop party or at a family BBQ, I've got you covered on what to wear! 

Downtown Babe: Top // Backpack // Bandana // Shorts
--The girl who will be riding her bike downtown from bar to bar then going to see fireworks at her local park. The downtown babe is casual, cool, and will be spending her 4th of July with her girlfriends and isn't afraid of running into her ex.

Living on the Edge: Sunnies // Skort // Top // Sneakers
--For the girl who will be spending her 4th of July at a swanky rooftop party. Living on the edge chick isn't afraid to take fashion risks and is confident enough to wear a questionable pajama suit. Her 4th of July will be spent sipping cocktails and gazing at the fireworks.

City Chic: Jeans // Birks // iPhone Case // White Top
--This girl will be spending her 4th of July at the local park or BBQ with family and friends. She possibly has kids and doesn't like to get too dressed into the theme. Yet, she still wants to participate, so she throws on a classic all white outfit with touches of navy to get in the spirit. 

Wherever you'll be spending your holiday make sure to take some time to remember what Independence Day is all about. xxoo

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