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Thursday, September 18, 2014


Skirt -- Similar // Top -- similar (ish) // Shoes // Sunnies // Clutch - Very Similar 

I have gone to my fair share of football games or bars to know what is worthy of wearing while you are cheering on your favorite sports team. While getting ready for an event my thoughts tend to run like this... 

-Ugh, that shirt is too frumpy
-Nooo, can't wear that because it would look better with shorts, and my legs?  I didn't shave or tan my legs so I have to wear pants. 
-Noope, can't wear that-my arms, I mean have you seen these arms lately? 
-Should I wear a hat? Hmm..maybe but what shirt do I wear with the hat? Nope, no shirt to match so the hat is out. 

Okay, I think you get the picture and yes I could go on and on. Well, I have gathered a few of my tips and tricks while cheering or boozing on your favorite sports team. BUT, you'll have to wait to see those tips in Part 2 of my Game Day Attire series. For now, you are presented with me from Saturday, looking like a fat cheerleader who didn't make the squad. 

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