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Monday, August 11, 2014


How was your weekend? I had a fab time being productive. One of those weekends that just feels so good because you actually get stuff done. It was minor things, like going grocery shopping, cleaning the house, and getting some exercise in but sometimes I need those productive weekends to make the lazy ones taste so much sweeter. 

Lets talk fashion. I love these high wasted Zara shorts. Remember this post? (It is one of my favorites!) The cut of the shorts make my legs look thinner and I'm all about that. Also, it gave me a chance to style this Topshop crop top with it. The top and the bottoms are very structured but they work well together. 
Oh and did you see these Zara shorts are on sale & they have them in Navy. Eekk my fav! 


  1. Ooooh, love that top!

  2. I'm loving the structure! It really works with your body type! And I'll never knock a little navy and white action. Classic!



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