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Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Do you see what is going on in your office? We are no long restricted to pencil skirts or matching pant suites, we are free. Free to mix and match our blazers, free to wear flats without feeling under dressed. 

Let me tell ya a little story... Out of college I worked at an insurance company. I worked in a cube and was on the telephone all day long. The dress was business casual so I stocked up on pencil skirts, blouses, and invested in a pricey pair of black slacks. A few weeks at the new job go by and I realize that I'm way over dressed compared to my coworkers. Yet, I wasn't going to toss all my new clothes just because I didn't really "fit" in. My dad always told me to, "Dress for the job you want, not the one you have." If you want to succeed, look like it.

However, the whole experience was liberating because I was no longer constricted to the pencil skirts or black slacks. I mixed up my closet by wearing more casual items with my dressier ones but I never lost that professional look.  
It is a slippery slope, so beware if you're going down this track. I always ask myself, "If I saw a potential client or customer in this outfit, do I present myself well?" If the answer is no, change the outfit. 

What do you wear to work? 

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