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Friday, June 6, 2014


 Art is subjective--and I'm not going to sit here and say I'm a very 'artsy' person. I enjoy clothing, film, costumes, photography, & the occasional painting. I can't tell you anything about the best new artist or even what a certain painting 'means.' What I can say is that art gets us thinking. 

What was the artist thinking? 
What was their message they were trying to convey? 
Was there even a message? Or was the artist just high & painted this thing? 

When I saw that the Hollywood Costume Exhibit was coming to the Phoenix Art Museum, I couldn't help but get excited. I wouldn't normally go to a local museum. The only museums I've been to are the ones my parents dragged me to. However, I majored in Film and Media Studies (more on the later...) so I thought what a great way to celebrate my love for both film and clothing. I won't tell you much about the exhibit because honestly, you need to see it! Trust me, it's worth the money and I wouldn't steer you wrong. There isn't a better way to beat the heat this summer than spending it in a cool stylish museum downtown. 
Wednesday evenings from 3pm-9pm are free admission to the museum then just $20 for the Hollywood Costume Exhibit. Make an evening of it-- grab dinner & drinks then go stare at some artwork and act like you know what you're talking about...because I sure don't. :) 

^^Jennifer Lawrence's Calvin Klein dress she wore to the Oscars^^ Ahh

1 comment:

  1. But, how does it make you feel?



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