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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lime Green Daisy

 Dress // Sandals // Sunglasses (old)--Similar // Necklace--Similar // Purse

All photos by Breea with Tell The Birds
I apologize for the large amounts of photos---I just can't help myself!
Here are some photos of my favorite summer dress! As you can see I was wearing it while in Cabo from this post. When I saw this baby hanging so beautifully in the Savvy department in Nordstrom, I knew it had to be mine. It's like Nordstrom KNEW I was going to be there that day and put the dress out just for ME. Do you ever feel that way?

Whatcha doing for Memorial Day Weekend? We are going to Palm Springs with some friends from LA. From all the drives I've taken to California, we have never stopped in Palm Springs. I've read about a few places I want to visit but we might just be hanging at the pool the whole time :) Do you have any Palm Springs suggestions? 

Have a FAB Day. xoxo

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