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Thursday, September 11, 2014


Boots // Jeans // Top // Flannel-- Similar  // Sunnies 

If you follow me on Twitter you know I have been on a serious Game of Thrones binge lately. We started the series just a couple of weeks ago and are already finished with season 4. Once you binge watch a show like this it starts trickling into your real life. Brandon and I are often found calling each other your grace, my lady, or my lord. So if you are stopping by any time soon to our humble abode make sure you call us by the correct names. 

All joking aside, it rained in Arizona on Monday, like real hard. We woke up at 2:45 a.m. on Monday to howling winds and pouring down rain. At 2:50 a.m. we realized, OH CRAP! We left our DIY project on the porch in the backyard. Luckily, we saved our project and it ended up perfect. I will post photos once I'm done styling and it looks Pinterest worthy.  We took Monday off from work due to weather, which gave me the opportunity to rock my Hunter rain boots. I don't get to bust these babies out that often so I take every opportunity I get. 

P.s. The double chin isn't for sale... 

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