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Thursday, August 7, 2014


Yesterday I wrote a TO DO list. Like a "HEY! You have all this shiz to get done, so you better get on it, list!"
 It had been a while since I've actually wrote down all the stuff I need to do. I was afraid to write everything out because I figured it would just overwhelm me. Recently, I had my first real life panic attack. The type of panic attack where you can't breathe, you sweating out every ounce of liquid you have in your body, and you might as well just die. Yup, one of those panic attacks. I never really realized how stressed out I was. It was the type of stress that simple things kept piling up that added to a big ball of stress. It was the silent stress that snuck up on me. Ever since that little insistent, I have been paying more attention to what is going on in my life. I'm getting a handle on all my stressors rather than letting them run wild. I'm making a list, and checking it twice. This process has let me focus on my tasks & goals, and actually get them done. 
Yup, I'm getting shit done over here! 

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