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Thursday, June 26, 2014


Top // Shorts-Similar // Shoes // Sunnies 

I ran straight into a pole Tuesday night. Like oh hii here I am walking and looking the wrong way and then BAM! I slam right into a pole. Of course besides my boyfriend there was another spectator laughing and yelling, "WOW that looked like it hurt!" Luckily the money maker (my face) didn't get hurt just my knee. Running into things such as a pole or a glass door always cracks me up! I find the unexpected surprise hilarious. 

As I recover I've been watching the World Cup! Have you been watching? I played soccer for about 18 years so it is one of my favorite sports!

I wore this outfit to a Diamondbacks game this week. I love the feminine twist on this baseball tee from Asos. Looking sporty can make me feel masculine therefore I try to find/wear items that make me feel feminine and pretty! 

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