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Monday, June 2, 2014

H&M Jumpsuit

HM jumpsuit
HM jumpsuit

HM jumpsuit

HM jumpsuit

HM Jumpsuit
Ok hi guys. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I was lucky enough to have some time to relax, sweat, & get some work done. & of course to catch up with family and friends.

This "jumpsuit" from H&M is actually not a jumpsuit, it is two pieces. When I pick something up at the mall or a store I always go through a few questions...
  • What can I wear with this that is already sitting in my closet?
  • Are there multiple pieces in my closet that I can wear with this? OR it just going to work one way? 
  • Where am I going in this piece? (work, running errands, dinner, going out..?)
  • Do I have the right shoes that will go with this piece? 

These questions help me move forward whether I'm going to spend time trying it on..or just moving on. Also, it helps me make a calculated decision whether the piece is worth the money. Now, H&M prices don't necessarily break the bank but they do add up quickly. So when I saw that this "jumpsuit" wasn't a jumpsuit at all..I saw more opportunities to wear both pieces, and it was worth the $$.

Do you go through questions in your head while shopping? Or am I the only crazy one here...? :) 

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