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Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Heels // Dress --Similar // Caftan--Similar // Clutch // Sunnies // Necklace (old Forever 21) 

I'm not going to lie. It is getting F'ing hot in Arizona...& I'm also not going to lie and let you know that I was sweating my tits off during this shoot. However, this caftan actually keeps me cool which helps in this heat. You know who else doesn't like liars?? Sophia Amoruso, the ultimate #GIRLBOSS. I just finished her book over the weekend and I couldn't be more excited. One of the best things I've learned from her is to dive headfirst into things without being too attached to the results. Have a goal to gain experience, perspective, and knowledge, and failure is no longer a possibility. 

Have a great day & hope you take some of that advice like I am and run with it. xxoo
P.S. Found this article from The Cut regarding how to to get a caftan body--I found it hilarrr so check it. 

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