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Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Romper--Zara // Heels--Similar // Sunnies

Remember this post? I wasn't lying when I said that I loved rompers. They are the perfect summertime outfit. When it reaches 110 degrees it is easy to throw all fashion sense out the window. Trust me, I know--I've seen it and I've done it. However, rompers are the best way to defeat that summer time beat down. Not only are rompers comfortable but they are so simple. If you're lazy..which I'm going to take a guess and suggest that at least SOMETIMES you aren't really feeling IT in the morning. Welp, throw on your summer time romper and I can guarantee you'll start feeling a lot better. 

Today I am going to the 2nd day of the Bloguettes workshop. I am learning a lot from these girls and I am glad I took the leap to go. It took me a while to decide whether or not to go. I can be a very decisive person whether I'm deciding what I'm wearing for the day, what I'm going to eat, or what to do with certain challenges at work. Yet, with this I found it difficult.  Not really sure why I found the decision so challenging because I tend to the find the silver lining in everything. Going forward, I am going to try very hard to make decisions with my gut. If it ends up being the wrong the decision, well, there is always a silver lining (and a cocktail...). :) 

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week & if you find that certain things are going wrong in your life...always look at the silver lining. It has been a busy week for me and I'm headed to California this weekend to spend some time with family--I can't wait! Eeek

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