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Wednesday, November 26, 2014


When I was asked why I love Arizona so much, I couldn't help but think of just a few things: The weather, Old Town Scottsdale, that small town feeling in a big city, Arizona State, Mill Ave, local restaurants, friends, monsoon season, no snow shoveling, good looking people, great shopping, Arizona Cardinals, mountains, desert, the location to California or Las Vegas, small local businesses, Mexican food, Grand Canyon, downtown living, cactus, friends, year round pool parties, great highways, easy commuting, local charity work, Arizona Biltmore, Waste Management Open, American pride, Fox Concepts, and of course family.

Yah...just a few reasons. Born and bred in this great state, I'm a little biased however there is so much to love. There are people all over the country that come here for college and there is a good reason why a portion of them stay. Arizona has some of the best highways I have ever seen and it takes about 30 minutes to get anywhere around the city. Although our Downtown Phoenix is slowly coming alive there are great little pockets such as Gilbert, Tempe, Scottsdale, and Glendale. Each of these cities provide their own uniqueness to the state which just gives me even more reason to get out and explore. Although our sports teams are limited with their championship titles, Arizonans are loyal to our teams such as the Diamondbacks, Cardinals, Suns, and Coyotes.

Tired of the Arizona heat? You are only a few hours away from another location for a perfect weekend getaway. However, with all the reasons I listed above why would you even want to leave? 


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