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Thursday, August 14, 2014


Have you ever woke up by the smell of your nasty breath? Or am I the only weirdo? I'm not the first or will I be the last person to admit I don't brush my teeth every night before bed. Sometimes I just get lazy and I swipe my makeup off with a cleansing cloth and call it a night. I'm not proud of this dirty habit but we all have our quirks and I'm working on my mine. I mean, I don't want to wake up from my slumber to only realize that I'm waking up from my dragon breath.

Are you still here? Okay great, I didn't scare you off.

Over the last couple of years I have realized the power of sleep. Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post said, "Sleep your way to the top." She doesn't mean that kind of sleep but she means taking care of yourself and catching enough ZZ's every night. I have to agree with the woman. When was the last time you woke up from a nasty sleep and were in a GREAT/FAB/OMFG/I LOVE MY LIFE mood? Never, because it just doesn't happen. We need a solid 6-8 hours a night to be at our best. Since I want to succeed I took Arianna's message to heart. My sleep is something I don't compromise anymore. Since I've been working on getting more sleep, I have found a few tricks to get me to sleep town faster.


1 // Actually get ready for bed. Remember when you were younger and your mommy used to make you get ready for bed. Brush your teeth, wash your face, put your retainer in, put your jammers on (ugh felt like it took forever!) Yup, bring it back old school and I promise it works. I have a better sleep when I take the time to get ready for bed.

2//  Wear cute PJ's. Yup, remember my post just yesterday? Look good, feel good, sleep good. Period. 

3 // Limit your screen time before bed. It's found that the artificial light in our iPhones and computers disrupts our sleep. Therefore I limit the amount of screen action I get before bed. 
Also, give yourself a break! We all need time away from the screen and maybe interact with people? Remember that? I know it's crazy. 

4 // Coconut Oil. Yup, we all know this magical oil can do just about anything. I'm always trying to look for new lotions, creams, remedies to clear up my under eye bags so I gave coconut oil a try. Not only did I find that the coconut oil can help my under eye bags but it also helps me sleep! When I put this baby underneath my eyes before bed it helps me sleep through the night. The smell and the texture are soothing and help me wind down. 

5 // Stick one leg out of the covers. If you stick just one foot outside of the covers it keeps your body temperature regulated and keeps you cool. So stick em' out but try not to karate kick your significant other. 

What are your pre-snooze fest activities? Sleep tight bow-utiful babes & bros.

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