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Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Construction Chic? Never thought you would hear that did ya?! Welp, for those who don't know, I work at my dad's construction company therefore I have a little bit of experience on what you need to wear while using a hammer. Key word: A little bit. I've never actually worked out in the field with our employees because I'm far too whimpy and I know I couldn't handle it. I give our employees a lot of props for handling the heat, the hours, and providing all the heavy lifting while producing the work. Construction has a big place in my heart because most of my family works in the industry. 

So while I've never actually swung a hammer, poured concrete, or built anything I at least know how to look the part. When I saw these Caterpillar boots I about fell off my chair! Neon pink and orange on a rugged boot, ahhh yes please.  I love when clothing adds different texture or color to an unexpected item, like the contrast between the bright girly colors with a rugged manly boot. Jeffrey Campbell, known for their very understated shoes, has hopped on this construction trend. Slap on these booties, a pair of cut off shorts, a graphic tee, add a flannel around your waist and call it a day. 
So I've heard (because I've never done it...) if you're working outside, especially in the Arizona heat, you should wear long sleeves. Long sleeves keep you cool while you sweat versus wearing that cute little tank top of yours. & I don't want to state the obvious but remember to keep hydrated! 

Your daily style shouldn't stress you out but you can't be afraid to take a few risks! 

Thanks for stopping by and stay boww-utiful! xoxo.

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