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Friday, May 2, 2014


diamondbacks 3

diamondbacks 5diamondbacks 4

Hot dogs, pretzels, beer, & balls--perrrrffect Sunday! Brandon and I don't live far from the the ball park, soo when we were given a couple of tickets to Sundays game we jumped on our bikes and rode down to the stadium. Chase Field was opened in 1998 so it is fairly new compared to other baseball stadiums. 

Here are just a few reasons why you should get your cute butt to a Diamondbacks baseball game (even IF they are loosing...) 

1) Chase Field is located in downtown Phoenix --so why not explore the restaurants downtown before the game. Few examples, Phoenix Public Market, Angels Trumpet, Pomo Pizzeria, Cibo, The Vig, & Arrogant Butcher....(The list could go on...)
2) Since the stadium roof opens you could kill two birds with one stone by watching a baseball game & getting your tan on. 
3) Little kids running in place in Hot Dog costumes to win a "race"---(GO mustard!) 
4) Cute boys in tight pants. 
5) Chase Field is home of the $ 25 D-Bat Dog. A one & half foot corn dog stuffed with cheese, jalapenos, & bacon--don't worry, you get fries w/ that.
6) Support your local baseball team--DUH! Alright, alright...Arizona may or may not have the worst luck in sports however, we should support the players & all the people who help run these events! 
6) See answer #4

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